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Alignment of interests

Nartex believes in unconditional alignment with its investors, that's why:

01The Nartex team invests the majority of its net worth in the fund

The managers and team have almost all of their net worth invested in the fund, along with those of their family and friends as well as other investors, and on the same terms.

02Low Fees

Nartex believes in a low fixed fee and a variable component depending on performance.

  • Nartex has a management fee of 1% fixed in class I and 9% performance fee (if the fund grows by 11%, the total management fee would be 1.9% but only 1% if the clients’ assets do not increase. Moreover, the fixed fee is dedicated to fund research and structure costs).
    • If the fund decreases, Nartex does not charge a variable fee until it has recovered the initial capital, thus aligning its interests with those of its clients.

03Minimal transaction costs

Nartex minimises transaction costs – low portfolio turnover, no complex derivatives. It does not invest in esoteric or expensive products.

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